Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Brad Swift to Star at 2008 SuperConference

Brad Swift, host of the Living & Working on Purpose show, has been selected to be among the twenty super stars presenting at the upcoming 2008 SuperConference for Coaches.

At the SuperConference, Brad will be sharing his insights on the impact of writing artcles and ezines on building a coaching platform that will attract the right clients. Brad is the author of over 300 magazine articles for a diverse assortment of magazines including Omni, Entrepreneur, New Age Journal, Yoga Journal, Utne Reader, Unity Magazine, Better Homes and Garden, Modern Maturity, and many others.

Prolific author, host of a weekly radio show here on Exceptional Wisdom Radio, founder and Director of the Life on Purpose Institute...all this and more adds up to a man with a passionate purpose. He is the creator of the Life On Purpose Process — a proven, systematic, spiritually based and practical process that has already assisted thousands of people to clarify their life purpose and then design their life to be a true reflection of that purpose.

The 2008 SuperConference for Coaches debuts in mid May and features two days of guidance on building one's platform, and building one's business. The SuperConference is a creation of Exceptional Wisdom Conferences, which like Exceptional Wisdom Radio, is a part of Boston based, Exceptional Wisdom, Inc. To learn more how you can improve your coaching practice by partipating in this SuperConference, click here.

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